Cheers not Jeers!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cheers not Jeers

I think that the idea of this link up is fantastic! What a great way to acknowledge other bloggers and give them a pat on the back. We all know that life is hard enough without tearing each other down so having a linkup to build each other up is a fantastic idea. 

Therefor my first CHEERS goes to Casey for creating this awesome link up!

I would like to say CHEERS to Jamie at You Gotta Have Hart for being one of my very best bloggy friends. She is a great to bounce ideas off of and she even trusted me to redesign her blog! She has been through so much in her lifetime and she is still such a positive person, I admire her! Plus, I love her blog.

My last CHEERS for this week goes out to Sarah at Life As Always because not only is she awesome but yesterday {on her birthday} she found out that she is having a baby BOY! Welcome to being a boy mom, it is the BEST!

Who are you CHEERSing this week?
  1. Cute link up idea! There are a ton of awesome link ups going on for the holidays this month.

  2. Visiting from the linkup! I am about to go check out your etsy shop! I love bloggers who are creative. =) I'm also going to go check out the blogs you cheered on today!

  3. I love the idea behind this linkup! I think it is great to lift each other up!

  4. Awwww! I love my Bloggy BFF and I'm so thankful for you!! You're more awesome than the Ghostbusters and S'mores!

  5. I love Sarah, she's one of my favourites. can't wait to go and meet some new (to me) bloggers!

  6. Wahoo!!! I love this idea, what a fantastic idea to spread some positive energy around. :-) Thanks so much for thinking of me! I have to cheer everyone for putting up with me this week since I've been so MIA in blog land... work has been consuming my life!!
