Project De-Clutter the Laundry Room!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

One of my goals for the month of August was to de-clutter my laundry room. It is kind of a catch-all that gets random junk thrown into it so you never know what you can find in there. When we had Foster's birthday party here almost 3 weeks ago it was our hiding spot for things we didn't need in the kitchen once it was party time so as you will see in the "before" picture there was a giant bag of tortilla chips in here. Ugh. What a mess.

I hate to even share this photo but in an effort to "keep it real" here it is folks:

(yes, that is a hoppy- don't judge me)

Have I ever mentioned before that I think that all laundry rooms should be large, have space to hang air-dry clothes, have a sink and also have lots of cabinets? Yeah, dream on, right?!

Anywho, after much work, many loads of laundry and lots of trips to the trash can.... here is the finished product:

I know, I know, you are totally impressed right?
Thought so =)

  1. Can I just tell you how happy your before picture makes me? I'm glad I'm not the only one who seems to have issues with the washer/dryer being a huge dumping ground. I cleaned up mine a couple months ago, and was so happy to have them empty! Great job on clearing out your laundry room...looks great!
