Monday Morning Gossip- June 9th

Monday, June 9, 2014

This week I am going to just jot down some gossip in list format-
- Foster has a third birthday coming up that I need to start planning
- Foster's speech has exploded, he can literally say anything that he wants!
- Foster had a horrible injury. He fell while running and hit his head on the base of our stair banister and split his forehead open, down to his skull. He had to get 3 layers of stitches because it was so deep. We had to literally scoop him up and RUSH to the ER. It was terrifying and so sad. 

- I renewed out zoo pass and kept Foster home from school last friday to take him to the zoo!

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  1. poor guy!!! that looks like an awful cut :(

  2. Aww poor little guy :( Hope he's doing better. I'm sure the trip to the zoo cheered him up.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Did you know that you are a no-reply blogger? I tried to reply via email to your comment and couldn't.

      It did! He LOVES the zoo. This year he really understand and is able to say the animals and talk about them so he really gets into it. =)
