Ikea Rocks

Monday, February 17, 2014

Yesterday was girl's day and a friend and I went to Ikea. We had been wanting to go and finally found a free day that worked for both of us. I picked her up before lunch time and off we went.

Let me be the first to tell you, in case you didn't know, that Ikea is SO dangerous for your wallet and marriage. I spent too much money but got some great stuff that my husband is huffing and puffing over having to put together (haha). Here are some of the awesome things that I got:

Aren't you so excited to see where I end up putting them in my house and how I decorate them? ;)
I promise to post pictures!
  1. Ikea is so dangerous! So many good deals. Looks like you got lots of cute things.

  2. Would you believe that I have never been in an Ikea, because well.. we don't have one here. Damnit! And about these girl's days-- how do you get so many? I want one!

  3. I have never been to Ikea. Part of me really wants to go but the other part knows it's a danger to my wallet!

  4. I do love me some ikea. I used to dislike it in college but now that I have my house and live on a teachers budget it's my fave place!!

    You can find me blogging about "Life on the Parsons Farm" : atparsons.blogspot.com

  5. I love Ikea but problem is I cannot go there because I cannot guarantee that I won't commit murder while being pushed and shoved by the 50 million people there. I have serious crowd issues. lol

  6. Ikea's my weakness! Thankfully I am about 6 hours from the closest one so I am (mostly) safe! Stopping by from Share the Love!

  7. We have the entertaiment center in white and I love it! My husband didn't love putting it together, but it looks great in our home!
