Book #1 for 2014: The Fault in our Stars

Sunday, February 9, 2014

This book was beautiful. I so appreciate an author who can take something that is heart wrenching and broken and make it beautiful... that is exactly what John Green did with this novel.

Don't let me confuse you, I cried multiple times during this book, UGLY cried. But each wave of sadness was followed by something profound and thought-provoking.

I don't want to give anything away and ruin this book for anyone so please read it! This needs to be on your list of books to read in 2014!

5/5 Stars
  1. I ADORED this book. You hit the nail on the head with taking an awful sadness and drawing you in. I don't do sad books but this was amazing.

  2. This is on my book list. I want to see the movie too. Tissues are going to be a must with this one.

  3. This is one I really want to read, but I don't think I should be reading it on my daily commute! I don't want to be *that* person on the train sobbing into her book...!
