Holy Busy Month!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April has been a whirlwind of a month! Needless to say, work has been keeping me very busy. I have also been sick twice this month (I am currently sick), Foster was sick, Justin was sick (twice), and it snowed in april. Did I mention Easter?!

So, work has been a steady progression on more and more patients on my caseload, which is fabulous. I am doing so may different things and it keeps it exciting. Most people probably think of my job and think that I so pap smears and prenatal visits all day but I don't! I also do colpo's with biopsy, endometrial biopsies, IUD insertion and removals, Nexplanon insertions (which I love), ultrasound (TONS OF ULTRASOUNDS, both gyn and OB)... the list goes on and on. Most importantly, to me, I am doing the infertility consults for our office. I am doing monitored cycles and IUI right there in our practice. This monitoring and triggering that I am able to do is all thanks to my very special "fellowship" I did at an Reproductive Endocrinology office during grad school with the best RE in the country (duh, she made Foster!).

Heres the kicker...... this month I have gotten some beyond fantastic news. 2 of my first IUI patients are pregnant. One after 3 years of treatments after losing a baby at 30 weeks pregnant (with practically no ovarian reserve left) and the other after 6 years of trying. These were cases close to my heart and I shared in their excitement. There is NOTHING MORE REWARDING. Tomorrow morning I get to do the first OB ultrasound for one of those couples, pretty sure we will all be teary eyed (in a happy way) together. *warm fuzzies*

I have organized a team for the March of Dimes March for Babies that is this weekend. Foster was premature and this cause is a great one. I have a team ready to walk called "March for Foster" and we have raised over $500!

So, while blogging has not been a success this month other things have been! Tomorrow I am "carrying" the blog baton on instagram @TheBlogBaton so check me out as I will posting all day on that account so you can see what my daily life is like!
  1. oh that is so exciting!! I do have to ask a question ... as you are working in an office that obviously does infertility treatments are you able to receive some of these treatments at a reduced price? (that is if you were going to go for another baby)

