Live & Learn Thursday Link Up

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Welcome back for another week of the Live & Learn link up. I hope you had a fabulous Christmas and I hope that you got all the awesome prizes that you were hoping for!

I am sure that over this holiday you learned something that is either useful, funny or just plain random that you can share with us and your followers, so lets have it!

My favorite thing that I learned the past few days has been a new game. I had heard it mentioned before but never seen it in stores. I wanted it but found that you can only order it online. Well, before coming up to Grandma's I bit the bullet and ordered CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY to bring up for the "cousins" to play.

Let me tell you..... BEST. GAME. EVER.

Hands Down.

I have never laughed so hard in my life. This black box is full of more gross, crude, hilarious, random, and just plain wrong things than you can even imagine. Put them all together with a group of people that you love and it makes for some of the best nights ever. We played on Christmas Eve and again on Christmas. I must say that I won on Christmas but didn't even come close on Christmas Eve because I was tanked, haha. It was quite fun to play drunk as well.

This game is a must have. Seriously, my abs got a workout!

(Disclaimer: These are not people that I know in the next pictures but how hilarious would this be?!)

Alrighty, time to link up!

  1. Haha I had heard of this game before but haven't played it. It looks a little similar to a game we played last year on Christmas called Apples to Apples though although that one is just playing adjectives that describe a noun. This looks like it would be even more interesting lol.

  2. Oh my gosh I am so jealous!! I totally ordered this game to bring to Christmas this year, but my Amazon order got all backed up and it didn't arrive in time!!! :-( I found it on my desk at work just this morning. I can't wait to play!! Also I'm seriously disappointed that those people in the photos aren't your relatives, because that would have been amazing, LOL.

  3. Isn't this game a blast! Did you know there are expansion packs? We bought all four expansion packs for my brother-in-law this Christmas. I can't wait to see what combination we come up with now!

  4. That game is hilarious and all the combinations. The expansion packs are a must!
