First thing is first: PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN 

- Favorite Christmas song.
- Merry Christmas by N'Sync
- Christmas song you can't stand.
- Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer and O Christmas Tree. So annoying.
- Favorite holiday movie.
- Christmas Vacation. I can watching it anytime, all year, on repeat if need be.
- Real or artificial tree?
- I am a real tree lover. That being said, as of last year we have a really nice artificial tree. We have a 2 story ceiling in our family room so we need a REALLY big tree for it to look right. Putting lights on a tree that big is a very big feat. SO, we bought a 9.5 foot pre-lit tree. One of the best looking false trees if you ask me!
(Sorry for the dark photo. Also, tree skirt was not on yet!)
- White or colored lights?
- White. I like that they show off the colored ornaments! I do have colored lights on the tree that is in Foster's room because I think they are fun for kids!
- All matching ornaments or more random personal ornaments?
- Our ornaments are mostly all personal and sentimental. We have a lot of ones that we have made with Foster's hand/foot prints. The "Our First Home" and "Our Wedding" ones with dates on them. We also have ones that have been gifts that are things we life a lot (like I have a couple Manatees because I LOVE THEM, penguins, and snowmen). I also make an ornament for our families each year and I keep one for our tree so those are on there! When our families get us ornaments as gifts they tend to stick to red/silver/green since that is our theme in general.
- Favorite ornament.
- This is super tough. I would probably say a reindeer that I made with Foster's handprint. But these three are all very special to me:
- Angel or star tree-topper?
- Neither! We have a santa hat on there now. I am looking into getting a new topper but I havent decided on anything yet... Maybe a top hat (like a snowman wears).
- Does Santa wrap presents or leave them unwrapped?
- WRAPPED!!!!! That is the fun, ripping off the paper and making the fun last longer. Unless it is something too big to wrap like a bike for a play kitchen.
- Favorite childhood memory.
- Hmmmm..... I dont know that I have ONE particular christmas memory that sticks out from being a kid. I just remember always being awake CRAZY early and having to stay in my room for hours before I could wake my parents up.
- Coffee, hot chocolate, or eggnog?
- Coffee or hot chocolate. Eggnog is NASTY.
- Christmas morning at home or do you travel?
- When I was a kid it was almost always at home. Since being married it is home about half the time (by home I mean at a parents house) but now that we have a child it is either here or at Justin's grandmother's house in Ashtabula, Ohio. Foster's Great-Gram has the BEST holidays at her house. Huge family gathers are awesome and full of memories!
- Traditional holiday meal or something unconventional?
- What is the traditional meal for Christmas? We did lasagna sometimes, beef tenderloin sometimes, and steak others. At Gram's we do homemade {handmade} ravioli and roast beef among other things!
- Personalized photo Christmas cards, store bought cards, e-cards, or "ain't nobody got time for that"?
- Personalized photo cards! Love them, love giving them, LOVE getting them!
1. My favorite Christmas was.... 2012. My son was almost 18 months and seeing the joy on his face and him being able to unwrap things was just magical. I worked so hard to have him and he made it the best christmas ever!

2. The worst Christmas I had... was my son's first Christmas. We were out of town in Ashtabula and I woke up in such severe pain in my upper abdomen that Justin had to take me to the ER right after Santa gifts. My baby was left with grandma and the family at the house. I spent the entire day from morning until semi-late at night in the hospital getting CT scans, ultrasounds, xrays, you name it! I was on all kind of morphine and still in all kinds of crazy pain. It was HORRIBLE. The was the most pain I have ever been in. I had just had my gallbladder removed a month and a half before and they were worried about pulmonary embolisms and all kinds of stuff.... that crappy hospital never figured it out.
3. That one gift that made me scratch my head and say, "Hmmmm" was... panty hose from an uncle..... really?!?!
4. One year I.... Announced I was pregnant on christmas to my husbands family!
5. I think the worst gift to give is.... clothes that arent asked for, for adults. Everyone has their own style and if you dont know it and their size then stay away from clothes!!!
6. At Christmastime I typically.... drink lots of wine and eat lots of food =)
7. Typically, family Christmas.... it really depends what family. My family holidays are low key and just us and my parents. Justin's family is HUGE and is always a huge group and lots of laughs.
8. If I could change one thing about the Holiday season.... It would be longer! I love christmas decorations, family time, and just the holiday spirit in general!
9. It is so hard to buy for.... My dad!!! He is so picky and he really thinks that he has everything that he needs. My parents really just buy what they need/want so gifting for them is really hard!
10. My favorite Christmas tradition is... Spritz cookies that my mom makes, they are so yummy!!!
11. Santa, baby, bring me a .... Gel polish set of new BRIGHT/NEON colors!!!!
I love that your fav Christmas song is by Nsync!! Hmmm, lots of wine and food for Christmas! I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree that clothes are a BAD gift if you haven't asked for them. My mother in law buys me clothes quite often, and it's never something I would choose for myself.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and following behind that is White Christmas but it's hard to watch that with me because I know every single word. White lights are my fave but blue is awesome too. I can't stand when people mix white and color or have half blinking and the rest not. Getting a pre-lit tree is awesome.. if I could smell and it wasn't a hassle, I would get a real tree every year.