25 Questions Before 2014- Part 2

Friday, December 20, 2013

11. When did I feel most creatively inspired? I own an etsy shop so I do a lot of creative stuff. I would say I was most creatively inspired this year when doing the decor and setup for Foster's 2nd birthday party, Lorax theme!

12. What projects have I completed? Tons. I finished grad school. I remodeled the playroom, my family room, and my laundry room. I built a piece of furniture from scratch. All in all I really did a lot!

13. How have I procrastinated? I am the queen of procrastination. I am sure that I procrastinated something ever single day of this year pretty much.

14. In what ways can I re-structure my time? I need to make more daily plans. When I plan things I get more things done. If I start a day without a to-do list then I tend to be a lot tell productive. I need to be productive.

15. How have I allowed fear of failure to hold me back? I have a horrible fear of failure. I really must say that it is more a refusal of failure though. I just don't like to fail at things. I was that girl who cried when I got a B+ because it wasn't an A. Sometimes I think this holds me back from trying things that I don't think I will be good at.

16. Where has self-doubt taken over? Self doubt has taken over in a couple areas. Mainly finding a job within the women's health arena. I am not sure if I really don't want to work in it at all or if I have ust convinced myself that because I cannot find any jobs to even apply for within it.

17. When have I felt the most alive? I feel most alive when I am practicing medicine, it is what I love. It is when I feel most "me". I also feel most alive in those moments when Foster runs across a room to hug me and call me "Mama"... how did I get so lucky?

18. How have I taught others to respect me? I think this is something that I still need to work on.

19. How can I improve my relationships? I need to work on this in 2014, I need to focus on doing things to improve my marriage and get it back to where it was before infertility entered the picture.

20. Have I been unfair to anyone? Im sure that I have been unfair to my husband. It is hard not to be at some points, especially hormonal ones. He has been unfair to me as well so all is fair in love and war, right? haha.
  1. Oh my gosh... please, please, PLEASE come out here and throw my son's first birthday party... that is honestly the most gorgeous, creative, fun party I have ever seen in my entire life!!!

  2. Wow, that party looks amazing!! And the laundry room bench too! How, how, do you find the time to do it all!! You rock!!
    I also need to learn how to get people to respect me!
    And don't self doubt your job in women's health, keep looking, the right position will come along when it's supposed to!

  3. The party decorations look amazing! Love the laundry re-decoration. Looks fabulous. If you love being in the medical field don't give up you will find something. Chin up, buttercup!

  4. I love these questions and your answers are great1 i am super impressed with your crafty skills. I am so not good at that stuff that I just sit in awe of those who make it look so easy!
