1. Finish My August Book- I am loving my August book but I just didn't get enough time to finish it so I am going to try and finish it ASAP because I need to get onto another book this month!!! This is the book i started is August:
2. Clean out my linen closet- My linen closet has the most ridiculous shelves, they are only half (if that) the depth of the closet and I have that thing packed! All the shelves are packed and the floor is stacked to the ceiling. I want to get this cleaned out before Sept. 11th when I am donating to the Salvation Army because I know that there is tons in there that I don't need/want.
3. Continue doing weekly Menu Planning- This was FABULOUS last month and I want to continue. It helped make a grocery list and keep us fed with great meals instead of random odds and ends. I woke up each day knowing what I needed to do to get dinner made. Loved it.
4. Build Washer & Dryer Pedestal- I hate bending over and stooping down to fill and empty the washer and dryer. I didn't buy the pedestals that LG made because they were ridiculously expensive and I thought they weren't worth it. So now I am going to build my own. Like this:
It's going to be GREAT!!!
5. Pick paint colors for my bedroom walls and stenciling- The bedroom is getting a makeover and I cant wait. A bedroom should be pretty and relaxing and inviting. Mine is not. It's a messy catch all and I am over the tiffany blue color that it is. I want something new. So I plan to paint the whole room and stencil the wall behind the bed. Which leads to my next goal...
6. Start building my custom upholstered headboard- When we bought our KING sized bed, which was the best choice ever, I didn't want to buy another whole headboard and stuff. Now I am sick of seeing just the bed against the wall, so it's time to make the headboard finally. This month I want to AT VERY LEAST get the wood cut to shape.
7. Try and make some time for my husband- Not that he has time for me. He doesn't want to go on dates or do couple things like that but I keep hoping that someday he will change his mind. When he does I wanna make time for it. But for now this "husband time" will be the financial class that we are going to be taking weekly starting on the 11th.
Whew..... Did I mention that Sept is crazy busy for us? Hubby is traveling a lot which means I am single-momming it a lot. Also are out of town at PENN STATE (YAY!) for a weekend to go to a football game one weekend. We have a birthday party as well. Plus a couple other things. I need a nap.
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