Lets see how I did on my August Goals...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Here are my goals that I set for myself at the beginning of August and how I did on them!

1. Start a Personal Blog (Again)- SUCCESS! As you can tell by the fact that you are reading this, I was very successful at this goal. I have been trying to blog almost daily and I have been loving it. I am so happy that I am back to blogging. I knew that I missed it but I forgot how much!

2. Start Weekly Meal Planning- SUCCESS! I did great at this one. On sunday of each week I planned my meals for the week and this month I didn't even repeat meals at all, I don't think. I tried tons of new things and made old things I hadn't made in a while. I enjoyed cooking and Justin loved every second of it. He didn't complain about one single meal. I am so glad that I did this, I want to continue!

3. Read 1 book- FAIL! I started a book and I have been trying to read it as much as possible but I think I only made it a little past 40%. I have been SO busy and I just couldn't find enough time. I am really sad that I didn't complete this goal but I am going to make sure that I finish this book ASAP because I am really enjoying it. I will post about the book when I finish!

4. Organize and De-clutter my Downstairs (main-level) of my House- SUCCESS! You saw my post about my laundry room with was the room I most wanted to organize. I also de-cluttered my kitchen and dining area as well as my family room. There is some laundry folded down there right now that makes me stressed but what's a girl to do?!

5. Take the boxes of clothes that are packed for donation in my bedroom to the donation center- HALF & HALF! The boxes didn't make it all the way to the donation center but for a good reason. I did some research and it turns out that Goodwill isn't good at all, they don't do good for anyone. They take free things and sell them for money and don't give back to the community or needy at all. SO, I called the Salvation Army and they are coming to pick up the giant boxes on the 11th. I am much happier with this decision. The boxes are out of my bedroom though!!!

6. Drink Wine More Often- I think that I did a good job of this in August =)

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