Sunday Social: Thanksgiving Edition!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Social
I am linking up with "A Complete Waste of Makeup" today!

Favorite Thanksgiving Memory: This is a tough one! I would say that I always remember getting up and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in the morning while my mom and I started cooking. 

Favorite Thanksgiving Food: Thanksgiving is more about the family tradition for me than it is the food but I would probably say mashed potatoes and gravy!

What is a Thanksgiving tradition that you and your family have: We have never had family living in the same part of the country as us and since my dad's parents passed away when I was young (and they were still 2 states away) so we always celebrated Thanksgiving with our very close family friends, The Wines Family. It was just 3 of them as well (the others were older and had left home for college already) so we had a 6 person holiday celebration! We still do it with them to this day, although this year is an exception because my Mom's brother and his kids and wife are coming from California this year.

Show us a favorite thanksgiving picture (or 5) of Thanksgivings past:
Little Foster at 4 months old!

Foster with his Great-Grandma Eva and his Grandpa Daniel.

Our family picture at our 1st Thanksgiving as a family of 3!

Such a cutie!

This was his Halloween costume that we dressed him up in to ring the doorbell when we arrive at the Wines' house on Thanksgiving day! It was a hit! Foster's 2nd Thanksgiving!

Charlotte , Mike, My mom, Justin, Me & Foster! (My dad took the picture!)
What are you most looking forward to this Thanksgiving: Foster meeting my Uncle, Aunt and cousins! They haven't had a chance to meet him yet so that should be a lot of fun!!!!
  1. Oh my gosh I just died over that turkey costume! Amazing!!!

    - Lauren @
