Sunday Social- Thankful Style!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Social

This week I am linking up with Sunday Social to discuss what I am thankful for. I just did a post about this for a different link up so I will try and list some different things from what I already told you guys!

I am thankful for our home. Many people don't have a roof over their heads and we have a wonderful one. We built our home and moved in just before we got married (literally like 10 days before our wedding).

I am thankful for family to spend holidays with. It is not always easy to figure out how to split up the time between our families but having a lot of family is definitely a GOOD problem to have! Family is something that I am VERY VERY VERY thankful for.

I am thankful for fantastic and fun friends! This was a picture from the photobooth at my annual Halloween party this year. We had TONS of fun. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday, I go overboard! I made my blue loofah costume myself this year.

I am thankful for a "success after infertility mom group"that I am a part of. These girls are amazing. We talk ALL the time. The group is super active and we even have local, state and national get togethers. This summer we had our national get together in Austin, Texas and it was a BLAST! Can't wait for Denver next summer.

  1. Wow, you built your own home? Or did I read that wrong! Haha, that's amazing! I would love to have that freedom and ability some day!

    Found you through the link up!

    Xo, Carolyn @ thediaryofatallgirl

    1. We planned it and had it built but we didn't build it with our own hands (if you know what I mean)! I wish I was handy and knew how to do things like that but I do not. I am planning to try and backsplash my kitchen though ;)

  2. Dropping by from the linkup! Wonderful pictures, and what a beautiful home! I love the idea of turning the stress of balancing different parts of the family on holidays into an opportunity to be thankful for having a lot of family - thank you for that change in perspective.

    1. It is a great problem but don't get me wrong.... the planning is STRESSFUL!!!!!! ;)

  3. I loved all your pictures and I really love your house! We're hoping to build one day too if we can afford it. We also moved into our house right before our wedding (14 days for us!) but unfortunately our house needed complete renovations!

    - Lauren @

    1. I love doing renovations! Moving right before a wedding was so crazy, wasn't it?! I felt so disorganized!

  4. I would love to be able to design my own home! And how amazing you have a group of friends who understand the infertility journey and you can all celebrate success together!

    1. It really is so amazing to have that group. Being that they were the same women that I went through infertility with it is really indescribable the bond that we have!
