We went to Boo at the Zoo and Foster chose to dress up in his "Racecar" (Racecar driver) costume for this event. Is was cold out and rainy so this was a great choice on his part. It was great practice for him to say "Happy Halloween", "Trick or Treat", and thanking people for the treats they were passing out. Here are some pictures of the fun that we had:

For trick or treat Foster wore his Captain America costume, he also wore is to school that day for his Halloween Party. He was SO excited to be dressed up as Captain America and would not take off the costume the whole day or evening. He ate dinner in it, haha! He did such a good job trick or treating. We went out with him and Boston came with us. We explained that the houses with the lights on are houses that want trick or treaters. Wouldn't you know that after that Foster had to go to EVERY. HOUSE. WITH. THE. LIGHTS. ON. "But the wights are on!!!!!!!!". Silly silly mommy, 3 year olds don't forget things like that.

For trick or treat Foster wore his Captain America costume, he also wore is to school that day for his Halloween Party. He was SO excited to be dressed up as Captain America and would not take off the costume the whole day or evening. He ate dinner in it, haha! He did such a good job trick or treating. We went out with him and Boston came with us. We explained that the houses with the lights on are houses that want trick or treaters. Wouldn't you know that after that Foster had to go to EVERY. HOUSE. WITH. THE. LIGHTS. ON. "But the wights are on!!!!!!!!". Silly silly mommy, 3 year olds don't forget things like that.
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