New Challenge... ACCEPTED!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I am going to attempt this "30 Days of Blogging" knowing that I may post more than one day at a time and miss some days but I will do my best!

1. Show the blog some love- It is no lie, this blog has been neglected lately. Joining a new practice and settling in has been a transition and a learning experience. It has been draining, rewarding, exhausting, fun, wild, and crazy! Now I need to get back to the things that are therapeutic for me, and my blog is one of them.

2. Get some billing/production issues solved at work- Need to have this meeting since the first quarter ended on March 31st and some things are "globally" billed and we need to figure out how this works when we all see those patients in the office.

3. Clean my freakin house!- It needs it, bottom line. I need to get it cleaned up enough to have the cleaning lady come and do a deep spring cleaning.

4. Party my ass off for my 29th birthday- Yep, necessary. Party is in the planning currently.

5. Re-evaluate my 30 before 30 because I only have 1 year left (eeeeek!)- I only have one freaking year left, how scary is that?! I need to look at this list and GET BUSY. At least I can say I that I completed my 20's as a successful career woman building my medical practice and client base. Thats a plus if my book!

6. Take Happy Valley by storm with my Nursing Girls- no doubt. Watch out this weekend if you ar win the happiest of valleys.

7. Go get a massage- Because, hell, I deserve it.
  1. Love this idea! Particularly the massage and partying your ass off for your birthday :)

  2. I'm excited to see how you do with your goals for this month! Everyone deserves a "just because" massage so you enjoy the crap out of it! And there's never a need for an excuse to party, just get after it and party it on up!! Thanks for linking up and I'm excited to see how the rest of the month goes for you! :)

  3. I did the Blog Every Day in May challenge last year and it was such a good experience! I loved having prompts to respond to and I felt like it helped me be way more creative. Good luck!

  4. I hope you have an amazing 29th birthday!! I really need to clean my house too... it needs it beyond badly!
