Must Have Monday: Meet Tonks!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

This weekend a new member joined our family! She is 6 months old, playful, precious, cuddly, and as soft as can be! Meet Tonks (yes, a Harry Potter reference).

Foster is head over heels in love with her and she actually sits on his lap and hangs out with him. Awesome kitty!

So, for this edition of Must Have Monday I am going to share some things I have been looking at and that I have seen that would be fun to get for Tonks <3
If they made this in my size I would totally want it for me! Don't you think she would love it?

This one would look nice in the playroom or family room. It would at least not look like a crummy cat bed laying around.

CUTEST THING EVER!!! Don't you think she needs her own teepee? I do!

Totally digging this hidden litter box. I don't want anyone to see the litter box because it is gross and this would be a nice way to keep int contained!

She would look so presh in this sweater. Not that she goes outside, haha.

I just think this is super fun! I would like one of these to put in our bedroom for her, perhaps the mint colored one after I redo our room.

Clearly this is for me. I want this for work. Call me the cat lady if you want, I don't care, this is cute!!!

  1. I love the Harry Potter name - I am a fan, all the books and the way I have never seen a hidden litter box. I totally forwarded that to husband to build for me!

  2. That pillow tower is to adorable!! Any cat would love it. The litter box is genius, my cat was always scratching litter everywhere and I like that is contained.

  3. Awwwwww, cutie!! I love the handy pillow thing! I want one for me, too!

  4. Joining the link up!
    Super sweet kitty & love the name! Hope kitty adjusts nicely :)
