This was such an easy and fun project for my front door!
Things you will need:
14" wreath form (I used one of the twig ones but styrofoam works just as well)
25 yards of black tulle (the kind on a spool that is about 5" wide)
25 yards of orange tulle (again the kind on the spool that is about 5" wide)
10 yards Black Silk Ribbon- 1.5 or 2" wide
A patterned ribbon of your choosing
Fabric Scissors
*TIP: If you are using one of the twig wreath forms like I used then it is a good idea to leave the plastic wrap on it so that it isn't as messy and it will also prevent the twigs from getting wet in rain or inclement weather.*
- Wrap the wreath form in black silk ribbon so that the entire form is covered and cannot be seen. It is a good idea to use some pins and secure the ribbon on the inside of the wreath form so that the ribbon doesn't move.
- Take your spool of black tulle and cut it into strips that are 18" long.
- Take your spool of orange ribbon and cut it into strips that are 18" long.
- Take a strip of black tulle and tie it onto the wreath form. You want to tie a square knot (left over right and then right over left). Do this with another black strip.
- You will then do that same thing with 2 orange strips.
- Repeat with 2 black and then 2 orange. (I use 2 of each to make the colors stand out and not bland in too much with each other).
- Push the pieces of tulle close to each other as you are tying them on so that they "poof".
- Continue until you have no more tulle or your wreath is full and you are satisfied with how poofy it is.
- At the bottom center of the wreath tie the decorative ribbon that you chose around the wreath and tie a bow!
- At the top attach a loop to hang the wreath with pins to the back of the wreath.
- Hang it up and enjoy!!!
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